I could give you a list of accomplishments, but I won’t. They are far too irrelevant to act as if I am proud of them. I really want to share something more important that no school, leader, parent, college has ever informed me of in this thing called life.

I told myself that I was not able to live a life that I knew I had potential of living.

I talked myself out of many opportunities that I had been awaiting for. How ? Self-doubt ! I was sure I was not going to add value to anything because of my pass failures in life. I told myself that I did not deserve anything that I admired and/or truly worked hard to obtain only to fall inches short of achieving that goal due to my self sabotage. I have given extreme efforts to help others achieve their own personal goals and all while I sat aside my own.

I have even lied to myself and accepted how someone else viewed me rather than how I viewed myself, and believe that how they viewed me was valid. I have accepted someone else's bad ideas of me and even granted them permission to share those same bad ideas about me to others. I’ve stayed silent when I should have defended myself and gave permission for someone/anyone to hurt, lie and steal from me.

The LIES that I repeated over and over in my head were the worst. Those lies caused me to slip into depression and think myself to illness. My thoughts and words that I sent to me, from me, carried weight. There was a time I would lye in bed for a week unwilling to leave for anything, take a bath, use the restroom, eat, call my love ones back, etcetera. All I wanted to do was sleep. Then that pivotal point happened. There was just too much disfunction going on in my life for me at the time for me to just lay in bed and play dead. I yelled out "I CAN NOT LIVE LIKE THIS ! I can't do it ! I just can’t. I thought myself into this shit show, now I am going to think my way out of it. "

I mean, I did not need anyone providing me false hope or a quick fix but I would have appreciated the tip, mentorship and blueprint had I been informed prior to having to figure it out based on resourcefulness. I wish someone would have shared with me that life focuses merely on what's going on inside of you. Once I

figured that part out I told myself, my mind is the CEO of this company called "My Life" and my body is the employee. I needed a whole new staff. First I needed to lay-off my old self and hire a new self.

Fast forward to today. I created a new me. I’m 10 times better than I thought I would ever be, simply by changing my philosophy …, I’m driving what I want to drive, living where I want to live, I have great credit, current brain storming to launch my new business, I connect with people who are like minded. Life is amazing ! Life has changed. I can’t really remember much from the past other than what I am choosing to share now. I just let it go. Yeah, sure, there are some memories but yet they are a bit foggy as well as a distraction. My focus is to create new pleasant moments to enjoy right here right now.

Take it from me, in this game called life it’s hard to understand who we really are, what we want, how we feel and why we react as we do. This lack of self-knowledge can be trouble, for it makes us get into the wrong relationships, pick unsatisfying jobs or spend money unwisely. These simple words should assist you on your road to speaking life into yourself, first you have to stop lying to yourself ( like I did ), second you have to 'Know Yourself’.

Positive changes causes things to gravitate towards you. Negative changes causes things to be pushed away from you…

Which direction are you headed ?

Learn. Improve. Prevent. Connect.